Turning the Corner...

I think we are turning the corner...
1. Daniel seems to be feeling better!
2. Daniel actually enjoyed his bath, for the first time. (KP the orange towel pic is for you)
3. The dog can actually be in the house and walk past without Daniel screaming!

Enjoy the pictures...


the Steiger's said…
I am glad he is doing much better.
love, Lenka
beBOLDjen said…
I'm glad things have improved.

The pictures are so fun. look at all those adorable kids piled up on each other!!!
Danielle said…
I laughed out loud at the first picture and made our housemate come look at it. He's so precious. Michelle told me you have a zoo party coming up...Daniel's progress with the dog is hopeful. He is such a doll. Thanks for the pics!

K.P. said…
Yay!! I love the towel pic!! Thanks for posting it. I must say, I am behind on my blogs, but you understand that one. :)

Glad things are going well. I remember reading on Lenka's blog that they really saw a difference at 4 months. There were times in those early days that I was just hanging on for four months. :) Now, we are doing loads better and it's only been 3 months! Hoping for even more improvements by month 4.

Hang in there.

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