The last dayof school 2009!
Today is finally our last day of school. Today is Allison's last day as a 6th grader. She will be leaving Chestnut Hill and will be moving on to Jabbish Brooks. Allison has had a great year. She was in a play, played piano for the pit band of another play, played clarinet in the 6th grade band, was in the 6th grade chorus, accomplished another year of piano lessons, played basketball, passed the safe sitter course, had great grades all year, among other things. Today is Michael's last day as a 3rd grader at Swift River. He will be moving up to Chestnut Hill school. Michael has had a great year. He played, soccer(3 sessions), basketball, flag football, is taking guitar lessons, has had great grades, and been a part of many other things this year. Today is Benjamin's last day as a kindergartner. He is leaving Cold Spring School, and moving up to Swift River. He has had a great year. He played two sessions of soccer, t-ball, flag football, and made many new friends. He had a g...