6- months since Gotcha Ya!

Six months ago today we went to the transition home and picked up Daniel. He has been with us since then. It has been a wonderful 6 months of not consistent sleep, but we have the rest of our lives for that (right?).

Look how big Daniel thinks he is... I can ride a scooter.

Look who is mad because he isn't big enough to ride the scooter in the road.

Reddi Whip who told Daniel that you don't need pie, just open your mouth...

Daniel opens the fridge, gets out the Reddi Whip, opens his mouth, and makes the sound the can would being sprayed... Then yells "Please"!

I can tell you that there isn't a dull moment in our house.

This is what he looked like 6 months ago...


Kari said…
HAPPY GOTCHA DAY SWEET BOY!! Soooo happy to see how fantastic he looks...its amazing how fast they thrive with love & family!!

ps: do you mind posting the AWAA button on your blog? Its really helping to spread the word.
Thank you!!!!

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