Foster Care?

Last week on Monday afternoon we received a phone call asking us to be foster parents for about 2 weeks. We would need to pick up a preemie 4 lb. 9oz. 3 week old baby girl from the hospital the following morning. After talking it over, we decided that if this is where we were needed at this time we would do it! We picked up Baby Alana Tuesday morning. She had a visiting nurse on Friday, she weighed in at 4 lb. 10 1/2 oz. She had her first check up Monday (at 4 weeks old) she weighed in at 4 lb. 13 1/2 oz. She we will have another weigh in this Thursday. Please pray for her, her birth mother, prospective adoptive family, and our family as we give her the care she needs!

Foster care, No this is not something that we signed up for or knew that we were cleared to do. With a completed home study with Wide Horizons For Children, they consider us able to foster care. When a need arises they turn to families with completed home studies and ask them to foster. So this call came as a big surprise. We all love Baby Alana, and are happy to help her in any way that we can. Yes it is taking some getting used to having baby in the house again and interrupted sleep.

Daniel can not say Baby Alana, so he calls her his "Baby Llama"! Praying for a great future for her!


Carpenters said…
So glad to hear that she is thriving with you. I'm starting to feel burdened to look into foster care, so I'm soaking up everything I can find. Thanks for sharing.

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