About Us

The Laughner Family
We are Tom and Lori Laughner. We live in Belchertown, MA with our four children and dog. We moved here about 19 months ago from IN. We attend Dwight Chapel Church. We are the 5th and 6th grade leaders for Pioneer Club. I enjoy reading, (especially Karen Kingsbury books), scrapbooking, cooking, baking, and talking to friends. Tom is the director of educational technologies at Smith College. He enjoys reading, working around the house and the yard, and following sports.
Our children: Sara is a freshman in high school, she played JV volleyball, and freshman basketball. She is active with the youth group and loves babysitting. Allison is in fifth grade. She plays piano, the clarinet, and basketball. She is practicing for piano parts in the "School House Rock Jr" play. Michael is in second grade. He plays guitar, basketball, soccer, baseball, and flag football. Benjamin will be five in 11 days. I am home schooling him for preschool. He is a real reader and enjoying reading to others instead of being read to. He can't wait to be big enough to do everything that everyone else is doing.
We are adopting from Ethiopia. We are requesting a child of either sex up to 24 months. Our dossier went to Ethiopia on December 7, 2007. We have been reading lots of books and blogsites preparing for our adoption. We have been waiting for a referral for 3 months. The estimated time for a boy referral is 5-7 months and for a girl 7-9 months. We pray for God's timing on our referral and the right child for our family. We plan on taking Sara and Allison with us to Ethiopia. Michael and Benjamin will be staying with Grandma and Grandpa. We plan on updating our Blog from Ethiopia, make sure you stop by and visit us often.


the Steiger's said…
I didn't know you got blog!!! We still want to get together with your family. I guess it will not be anytime soon. How about end of the spring?
Danielle said…
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Danielle said…
Hi guys! It was nice to see your picture again (did these make the infamous calender?!? I don't remember them! :) ) That's so great you've already been waiting 3 months! I'm sure it probably doesn't seem fast to you, but it does to me :) (Do you remember when people said that with our biological children: "You're HOW many months? Oh, that's gone SO fast!" I usually wanted to say, "YEAH, FOR YOU!!!!" Anyway, can't wait to keep track of your progress this way! Love, Danielle
P.S. You forgot to talk about how much Allison likes to cook!
Carpenters said…
I just saw that you have a blog! I can't wait to follow more of your journey to your little one. I do hope that we get to meet some day. I got to meet Lenka and Fil on my last trip out to Boston and I hope we'll get to meet you too. I'll let you know if we are heading your way.

With Love,

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