T-Shirt Idea

We are considering making t-shirts as a fundraiser to help with the cost of travel to Ethiopia to pick up our little one. We are wanting to take along our two oldest girls. We feel that it would be a good experience for them. We plan on leaving the two younger boys with Grandma and Grandpa.

This is the graphic that Tom created for our t-shirt. What do you think? Should we put it on a gray shirt or a different color? Would you be interested in this shirt?

Please click on leave comment and leave us feed back. Thanks for your help and support during this adoption process.


Carpenters said…
This is such a cute idea for a t-shirt. I really like it and I would definitely be interested in one.

With Love,
Rob and Candy said…
very cute shirt. I like that it's not ET specific since we have adopted from Russia already.
I'm not sure about gray as the shirt color. Are the countries gray? Will they show up on a gray shirt?
I really like this design! I ditto the other comments :)
the Steiger's said…
I like the idea as well. Hey we made it back. And it is COLD here. Will the winter ever end?

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