New Shower Curtain for Kids Bathroom....

Look at our new shower curtain for the kids bathroom! I love it. We bought it at Kohls. The kids each have their own color of bath towel. They match the colors on the curtain (Sara pink, Allison blue, Michael green, Benjamin yellow, and the new little one has an orange towel). I thought this curtain was a lot of fun.


Susan said…
That is too cute!

the Steiger's said…
I love it.
I will have to run to Kohl's to get one as well.
Anonymous said…
Oh man!! That is so cool!!! :)
Love it!
Amy L.
K.P. said…
Awesome! I'm so glad all the towel colors still work! :) I must admit...I got a little scared when I saw you changed the curtain.

Too cute!
Carpenters said…
That's such a cute shower curtain! I have something similar on my "for the kids' room" wish list.

Gabe says the Cobleskill area would be a good mid-point to meet. I think he mentioned a few site-seeing options, but I can only remember Howe Cavern right now. We should definitely set up a time to get together. June is pretty booked for us, but later in the summer would be great. We would love to meet.

With Love,
Danielle said…
I love it. Great idea with the towels, too!

Linda DeMien said…
Hi, Love your shower curtain. Love bens butterflies too. I hope I did this right so you get it

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