Look who is coming home!!!

The day that we have been waiting for!
Today our paperwork was submitted to the US Embassy! We are scheduled for Embassy on Jan. 19th, to get Tamenech passport so she can come home!!!
Our schedule:
Jan. 16th Lori will leave fly out of DC at 11:30 am!
Jan. 17th Arrive in Ethiopia, pick up Tamenech forever!
Jan. 19th go to the Embassy to sign for her visa. (Please pray all goes well)
Jan. 21st get her passport/visa and begin our journey home!
Jan. 22nd arrive at BDL (Hartford) at 1:54 pm. for welcome home celebration!
We can't thank you enough for the prayers, love, support, encouragement, etc.
If you would like to be at BDL on the 22nd to celebrate our homecoming, please let Tom know. He will then be able to keep you updated in any changes or delay with our flights!
Since I am traveling alone I am limited on the amount of stuff that I can take with me. I have a 50 pound bag of donations!!! If you would still like to help make a difference with the orphanages in Ethiopia, I will be taking monetary donations with me! Please let me know if you would like to donate!
I will be updating our blog as much as possible from Ethiopia!
Did I mention I leave in 11 DAYS!!!
Thank you Gowin Family for the newest photos!