Day 2: January in Ethiopia

Wow, what an experience! We just got back from walking to take part in the Ethiopia celebrations! I am not sure how far we walked but I can tell you that Tamenech was scared of the dogs, the crowd, and the handicap begging on the streets! She was very scared and wanted to be carried. I can also tell you that she is very heavy and it is very warm outside today!

The ceremony and experience was very neat! We were among about 10,000 people! That is one large crowd to try to walk through! I have taken quite a bit of video of some of what we experienced today. I am not sure how it will turn out as we were smashed in a crowd of people and I was holding the video camera above my head! We were sprayed with holy water, we were close to where the baptisms were taking place, the ark of covenants, and the teachings taking place. By this afternoon there will be over 15,000 people walking to the churches. Some people walk here from 15 miles away to be a part of this.

I will share more later as we need to head off to lunch at Island Breeze! We are then headed to the mountain and off to do a little shopping (at a new area by the mountains)!

Tamenech is really feeling tired and a overwhelmed by all the new! It is an interesting day! Thank goodness for Job and his help in carrying her and his Amharic help!

Love to all,


the Steiger's said…
Sounds like a crazy day. I cannot wait to hear all about it :)

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